Xucheng Elec

Headquartered in Hong Kong, XC ELECTRIC COMPANY (Shenzhen) corp., Ltd has specialized in fuses and thermostats since 1996. The product range covers miniature fuses, blade fuses, fuse holders, KSD thermostats, FSD thermostats and auto thermostats. They are applicable to power supplies, home appliances, auto equipments and electrical appliances. Over 400 clients in the US, Europe, Asia and India have sourced from us, including Panasonic, LG, ACBEL, Foxconn, Philips, Midea, Greatwall, Cummins, Volkswagen, Hisense, Glanzeand Skyworth. In 2011 XC got VDE testing and certification institute as registered manufacturer’s laboratory.

Xucheng Elec productes destacats


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