BL(Shanghai Belling)

Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd., formerly known as Shanghai Belling Microelectronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd., was jointly established by Shanghai Instrument Bureau and Shanghai Bell in 1988. It is the first Sino-foreign joint venture in IC industry in China. After the restructuring and listing in August 1998, the company changed its name to Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd., and is the first listed company in the domestic IC industry. In 1999, the Shanghai Beilian State Share held by Shanghai Yidian Holding was transferred to Shanghai Huahong (Group) Co., Ltd. Huahong Group became the largest shareholder of the Company. In July 2015, 26.45% shares of Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd. held by China Electronics Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. were transferred to China Semiconductor Co., Ltd. without compensation. Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. became the largest shareholder of Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd. The actual controller is still CEC. The current chairman of Shanghai Belling is Mr. Dong Haoran.

BL(Shanghai Belling) productes destacats


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